“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Homeowners' Protection Act Obtains 1.1 Million Signatures; Qualifies for June 08 Ballot

Coalition Supporting True Eminent Domain Reform Submits Signatures Today to Qualify the Homeowners Protection Act for June 2008 Ballot
Measure Will Provide Iron-Clad Protections for Homeowners without Hidden Agendas and Unintended Consequences of Landlords' Hidden Agendas Scheme

Sacramento, CA - Eminent Domain Reform Now, a coalition of seniors, homeowners, business, labor, environmentalists, local governments, affordable housing advocates and others today announced the submission of more than 1.1 million signatures to county elections officials to qualify their eminent domain reform measure for the June 2008 ballot. The Homeowners Protection Act would prevent governments from using eminent domain to take an owner-occupied home to transfer to a private party. The measure is a direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous Kelo v. the City of New London decision from 2005.

"It's been well over two years since the Supreme Court ruled in the Kelo case, and it's high time that California enacted strong protections for homeowners against eminent domain for private development," said Ken Willis, president of the League of California Homeowners. "This measure would provide California homeowners with new, constitutional protections against eminent domain. We're confident that we've collected the necessary signatures to place this measure on the June ballot, and are even more confident that voters will overwhelmingly support our measure when given the chance."

Chris McKenzie, executive director of the League of California Cities said, "California cities are supporting the Homeowners Protection Act because we feel that homeowners deserve additional protections from eminent domain. This straightforward measure will protect our citizens' most prized possession without attempting to sneak in unrelated and dangerous provisions, unlike other faux eminent domain reforms out there."

Coalition Opposing Hidden Agendas Scheme

The so-called California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act, dubbed the "Hidden Agendas Scheme", is being funded by rich apartment and mobile home park owners who are using the hot-button issue of eminent domain in an attempt to trick voters into abolishing rent control and other tenant protection laws. The measure also contains poorly drafted provisions - more hidden agendas - that would decimate local land-use planning, gut environmental protections, and, according to the Association of California Water Agencies, threaten future water projects that are needed to address the state's growing water crisis.

"This campaign will present voters with a stark contrast: real eminent domain reforms that protect homes, versus the landlords' scheme that will abolish rent control, lead to water shortages, and decimate land-use laws that protect our environment and our communities," said Nan Brasmer, president of the California Alliance for Retired Americans. We're confident that voters will support the honest eminent domain reform and reject the landlords' Hidden Agendas scheme."

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