“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Anti Rent Control Measure Qualifies for Ballot: The Fight is ON!!!!

Jarvis Anti Rent Control Measure Qualifies for June 2008 Ballot

An Alternative True Eminent Domain Measure is Also Expected to Qualify for the Ballot in the Days Ahead

Attempt to Fool Voters Mobilizes Strong Opposition: Coalition of Seniors, Tenants, Environmentalists, Business, Labor and Local Government Vow to Defeat Fake Eminent Domain Reform Measure

Sacramento, CA - In response to notification that the so-called California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act (otherwise referred to as the Hidden Agendas Scheme) qualified for the June 2008 ballot, members of Eminent Domain Reform Now today vowed to mount an aggressive campaign to educate voters about the deep flaws in the measure.

The Hidden Agendas Scheme is being financed by wealthy apartment and mobilehome park owners attempting to trick voters into thinking the measure is about eminent domain. In reality, the landlords' true scheme is to eliminate rent control, eviscerate local land use planning, gut environmental protections and undermine public water projects we need to ensure an adequate supply of clean drinking water.

Eminent Domain Reform Now is a broad coalition of seniors, homeowner groups, water agencies, environmentalists, business, labor and local governments who are supporting real eminent domain reform, the Homeowners Protection Act, which is also expected to qualify for the June 2008 ballot.

Members of the coalition issued the following statements today:

Nan Brasmer, president of the California Alliance for Retired Americans said: "Many seniors live on limited incomes and depend on rent control to help survive. The Hidden Agendas Scheme would eliminate rent control and hurt seniors, veterans, and working families. More than 90% of the funding to qualify this measure comes from apartment and mobilehome park landlords who hope to fool voters. They won't be successful. We have a strong and motivated coalition and our research shows that voters do not support the landlords' Hidden Agendas."

Richard Word, president of the California Police Chiefs Association said: "This Hidden Agendas Initiative is a direct threat to our ability to protect public safety and to prevent crime. Many times local police and sheriffs' departments work with local governments to address public health and safety problems through laws and ordinances before a more serious issue arises. This measure would prevent important actions we need to take to keep the public safe."

Tim Quinn, executive director of the Association of California Water Agencies said: "At a time when California faces a water crisis that threatens our economy and environment, provisions in this measure would greatly jeopardize our ability to pursue water infrastructure projects we need to increase water supply and to protect the quality of our drinking water."

Susan Smartt, executive director of the California League of Conservation Voters said: "The Hidden Agendas Scheme contains dangerous language that could severely harm our ability to protect the environment including preserving open space, achieving clean air, protecting our climate, and many other environmental laws. Anybody who cares about the environment should oppose this measure."

Larry Gross, executive director of the Coalition for Economic Survival said: "Working families, seniors, veterans, and other low income individuals already struggle to survive in California because of the high cost of living. Rent control is an important tool to keep affordable housing available for these hard working citizens. The scheming landlords funding this measure want to drive these people out of their properties so they can make money renting out their units at exorbitant costs."

The Hidden Agendas Scheme will appear alongside a real eminent domain reform measure, the Homeowners Protection Act, which will prevent governments from using eminent domain to take an owner-occupied home to transfer to a private party. The measure is a direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous Kelo v. the City of New London decision from 2005 and will result in none of the adverse consequences of the Hidden Agendas Scheme. Supporters of the Homeowners Protection Act submitted well over the 1.1 million signatures needed to qualify the measure and official notification of qualification is expected any day.

Ken Willis, president of the League of California Homeowners said: "Homeowners want true eminent domain protections but will not be duped into enacting harmful and deceptive provisions that have nothing to do with eminent domain. We saw that in November 2006 when voters rejected Proposition 90. The proponents of the Hidden Agendas Scheme are attempting to overreach again. I'm again confident that the measure will fail, and that our true eminent domain reform measure - the Homeowners Protection Act - will pass."


A Coalition Supporting True Eminent Domain Reform Submitted Signatures at the End of
November to Qualify the Homeowners Protection Act to Counter the Jarvis Anti-Rent Control Measure.

This Measure is Also Expected to Qualify for the June 2008 Ballot in the Upcoming Days Ahead


Join the Campaign to Defeat Anti-Rent Control Measure and Support Real Eminent Domain Reform -- Go To: www.NoLandlordScheme.com



Go to www.eminentdomainreform.com and Sign Up Today!

Groups Fighting To Expose The Landlord Scheme:

  • Coalition For Economic Survival, Los Angeles

  • San Francisco Tenants Union

  • Santa Monicans For Renters Rights

  • California Alliance For Retired Americans

  • Golden State Manufactured-Home Owners League, Inc. (GSMOL)

  • Western Center on Law and Poverty

  • State Building And Construction Trades Council

  • Resident Owned Parks, Inc. (ROP)

  • Oakland Tenants Union

  • Mobile Parks West Homeowners Association

  • Marin County Building And Construction Trades Council

  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

  • Housing California

  • GSMOL Chapter 1613

  • Eviction Defense Network

  • Coalition of Mobile Home Owners - California

  • California Mobile Homes Resource And Action Association

  • California Coalition for Rural Housing

  • Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic Renaissance CDC

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