“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HOA Meeting Highlights: February 12, 2008

Manager’s Update: Carlos Camacho was not present. Residents were in attendance to discuss the following issues with park management:

  • No progress regarding the hiring of an arborist to remove portions of a tree threatening a homeowner’s coach, as reportedly scheduled at the last meeting.

  • Break-ins at the RV storage yard, the compromised fence and lack of security lighting.

  • Further questions about office hours, and why they are not being adhered to.

  • Continued delays in securing HOA use of a locked cabinet in the Clubhouse kitchen.

  • When the hot tub will be repaired, and concern regarding the lack of a return phone call in response to repeated inquiries.

It was suggested that, in the future, a letter be sent prior to each meeting, and a follow-up telephone call be made the morning of the meeting, to confirm whether the manager will be in attendance.

Old Business:
“Meet and Consult” Letter to Management – On November 2, Jim Joffe, president of J & H Asset Property Management sent a letter to the HOA, in response to our letter under Civil Code section 798.53, dated October 12, 2007. Mr. Joffe's letter disagreed with the residents' characterization of conditions in the park, and indicated that George Gregory would meet with the HOA board to discuss the complaints and concerns we raised. On December 19, the HOA Executive Board met with Claudia and Carlos Camacho and George Gregory. The issues were addressed as follows:
  • Office Hours – It is management’s understanding that office hours are observed, however they will ask the onsite managers to post a sign “whenever the need arises for them to conduct park business in a location other than the Park office.”

  • Availability After Hours – The outgoing answering machine greeting has been modified to inform residents when the office will be closed for holidays, and phones are forwarded to Carlos’s cell phone during emergencies.

  • Enforcement of Park Rules – George reported that site inspections would be performed “after the first of the year,” and that he would work with the onsite managers regarding rule enforcement. No specific date was given for the site inspections.

  • Parking – Our question regarding clarification of what constitutes a “guest” for parking purposes remains unanswered.

  • Maintenance of Common Areas – George will “increase the frequency of inspections to promote good housekeeping.” In addition, Merry Maids has been contracted to provide janitorial services in the Clubhouse.

  • Pool Security – Management is not willing to reinstate the practice of locking the Clubhouse. They have agreed to put a lock on the gate adjacent to the Clubhouse, to deter public usage of the park swimming pool. No date was given as to when the lock will be installed.

  • Laundry Keys – Mr. Joffe stated that management would “send out a notice asking which homeowners would like a key to the laundry and provide keys to them,” citing the low number of residents who use the facilities, and high cost of providing keys. No date was given when that notice would be sent.

  • Completion Date for Construction Projects – Carlos addressed this issue at the December HOA meeting.

  • Communication Regarding Disruptions in Utilities or Other Services – Management disagrees with the HOA’s characterization of the communication challenges surrounding park outages.

A letter will be sent as soon as possible, directly to George Gregory, with a copy sent to Carlos. This letter will include follow-up questions regarding the lack of follow-through on several of the above items, as well as new questions listed in the Manager’s Update section, above.

New Business:
RV Storage Security – Two separate incidents were reported, one in which items were stolen from the storage compartments of a resident’s boat, and one in which a resident’s ATV’s were removed from the trailer, tires filled with air, and the ATVs abandoned near the gate. A portion of the fence behind the laundry facilities has been compromised. Several residents expressed concern regarding the lack of adequate lighting.

Wild Animals – Several residents complained about an increase in wild animals, particularly raccoons and skunks, living in the park and damaging their homes. There is concern that some residents are feeding these animals as if they are pets, and leaving the dumpster lids open, encouraging the animals to make Greenbrier their home. All residents are urged to NOT feed the wild animals, and help make sure the dumpster lids remain closed.

Next Meeting (4/8/08):
Meet and Consult Letter to Management
Breakfast Meeting
Recreational Activities
Lock on Cabinet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you were going to do anymore polls and if that would help the owners change their minds about the way the park is being run. Or do you think the owners just dont care anymore? Well I wish you all the beat of luck..Thanks for all you are trying to do...