“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bipartisan Opposition to 98, Support for 99 Continues to Grow

In an unprecedented bipartisan show of force, top officials from both sides of the aisle have condemed Proposition 98 for the dirty trick that it is, and support Proposition 99!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Opposes Prop. 98
Bipartisan opposition continues to grow against Proposition 98. The Governor of California officially opposed Proposition 98 Friday afternoon, stating "Proposition 98 would undermine California's ability to improve our infrastructure, including our water delivery and storage. California voters strongly support rebuilding our transportation, housing, education and water infrastructure, so it would be irresponsible to support a measure that would prevent the state from accomplishing our goals."

California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein Opposes Prop 98, Supports Prop 99
On Thursday, respected U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein announced she is opposed to Proposition 98 on the June ballot. According to Senator Feinstein, "Proposition 98 will seriously undermine the State and local government's ability to protect our environment, increase our water supply, and improve our crumbling infrastructure. It is reckless and would tie the State's hands in dealing with a wide range of critical issues." Sen. Feinstein is instead supporting Proposition 99.

Earlier this week, prominent Republicans U.S. Rep. George Radanovich (R-Mariposa) and former governor Pete Wilson formally opposed Prop. 98. Click here for a list of Prop.... 98 Opponents and Prop. 99 supporters.

AARP, League of Women Voters and Tenants' Rights Groups Hold Two NewsConferences to Issue Prop. 98 "FRAUD ALERTS"

Two news conferences in Los Angeles and Oakland were held this week to highlight the deceptive radio ads recently released by the Yes on 98 campaign. The new Yes on 98 ads purposely exclude mention that Prop. 98 will eliminate renter protections, rent control and environmental protections. Renters and representatives from organizations like AARP, League of Women Voters of CA, WesternCenter on Law and Poverty, and the Coalition for Economic Survival condemned the ads on Wednesday at an LA news conference. AARP State President, Jeannine English, says in a press release "These ads are deceptive and shameful. Landlords' contributions make up 80% of the Yes on 98 campaign budget. The real reason they are bankrolling these deceptive ads is because Prop. 98 abolishes rent control, affordable housing protections, and important environmental regulations."

On Friday, in Oakland, tenants rights groups from throughout the Bay Area led a protest outside the annual meeting of the Apartment Owners Association at the Oakland Airport Hilton. The AOA is the third single largest contributor to the Yes on 98 campaign, contributing over $400,000 dollars to date. Housing rights groups like Just Cause Oakland and St. Peter's Housing are working hard to expose the landlords' scheme and mobilize voters against Prop 98.

For more information, visit www.no98yes99.com.

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