“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Saturday, April 12, 2008

HOA Meeting Highlights: April 8, 2008

BIG NEWS: HOA meetings will now be held monthly, on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Join us and be a part of our efforts to improve park conditions! Next Meeting - May 13.

Manager’s Update:
Carlos was present and reported the following:

  • Management has received the HOA’s letter dated March 25; a written response is being prepared.
  • Lot inspections have begun; about half the park is completed.
  • The owner has approved the lock on the pool gate; the parts are on order.
  • The letter to residents regarding the availability of new keys for the laundry facilities will be sent out tomorrow (April 9, 2008).
  • RV Security: This issue was discussed at length. Residents are extremely concerned about this recurring problem. The only thing management can do is patch the fence, which he has done with additional sections of fencing material. Management of the apartments next door has been asked to keep an eye on the lot and report suspicious activity. Park owner said “they will look into” additional lighting for the dark areas of the lot. Several residents in attendance made suggestions to address the problem.
  • Carlos was asked about office hours, which he reported are being kept. One resident reported that she attempted to speak with him on April 1, rent day, between 2:00 and 2:15 p.m., but the office was locked. Carlos explained that sometimes they are out running errands, and the clock sign is used to indicate when they will return. The question of why both of them are gone, rather than one running the errands and the other one keeping the office hours, went unaddressed.
  • Residents requested that chocks be placed under the dumpster wheels because of the danger posed when the wheels line up with the slope of the grade. Sticks or handles were requested to enable shorter residents to close the dumpster lids, which is currently impossible for many residents.
  • On a related note, wild animals continue to be a huge problem; they are encouraged by both open dumpsters and residents who feed them. One resident has hired trappers and caught 4 large raccoons, costing him over $500. The professional trappers informed him that many of these raccoons have rabies, and they are not afraid of humans. The HOA requests that management distribute a letter asking people to stop feeding them.

Legislative Update:
Two “eminent domain” initiatives will be on the June ballot. Proposition 98 is 83% funded by mobilehome park and apartment owners, and will outlaw rent control for mobilehome residents. Proposition 99 affords property owners protection against abusive eminent domain, without the threat to mobilehome owners. Vote NO on 98 and YES on 99!

Old Business:
“Meet and Consult” Letter to Management – On March 25, the HOA sent a follow-up letter to management, addressing the issues from the October 12, 2007 letter sent under Civil Code section 798.53 that remain unresolved.

Locked Cabinet – The HOA finally has a cabinet in the Clubhouse kitchen, with a lock, and we have the key.

Meeting Schedule – Meetings have been increased to MONTHLY. Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Carlos will be invited to attend all meetings, but only expected to attend the alternate months (February, April, June, August, October, December) as he has presently agreed to do.

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