“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Monday, September 24, 2007

Water Leak-UPDATE

While we have been informed that the plumbers have been working on repairing the "emergency" water leak since this morning, as of 7:09 p.m., the water is still off and NOBODY is presently working on it.

To add insult to injury, we have just been informed that this "emergency" was, in fact, planned. Some residents were aware of the impending outage over this past weekend. Apparently, it is too much trouble for park staff to circulate notices to all homeowners in advance of planned maintenance.


Anonymous said...

Aside from being health hazard, this seems to be a clear violation of the following statute:

798.29.5. The management shall provide, by posting notice on the
mobilehomes of all affected homeowners and residents, at least 72
hours' written advance notice of an interruption in utility service
of more than two hours for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of
facilities of utility systems over which the management has control
within the park, provided that the interruption is not due to an
emergency. The management shall be liable only for actual damages
sustained by a homeowner or resident for violation of this section.
"Emergency," for purposes of this section, means the interruption
of utility service resulting from an accident or act of nature, or
cessation of service caused by other than the management's regular or
planned maintenance, repair, or replacement of utility facilities.

When the water was turned off the second time, water trucks with potable should have been brought in, just like they are whenever there is a water main break anywhere else in the county.

Why are we being treated like this in our own park?

Do we have any recourse? Let's hope this doesn't go on for months like the electrical fiasco last year!

Anonymous said...

I'm also concerned. It would be nice to know when the water is going to be turned off. I understand repairs but advance notice can go a long way in keeping tempers in check. It would also be nice to know when we can expect the water to be turned on again. I got home from work at 9pm tonight expecting the water back on. But not even a notice or any communication from the park. I'm very dissapointed at the lack of courtesy or concern. This is a big inconvenience for me I can't imagine the hardship is must be for the families and those that have to be at work early in the morning smelling bad. I hope the park has a good letter prepared to cover their backsides. I for one, can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

12:44 AM and still no water.....I was informed by Claudia that the water would be back on at 4PM...I think that was yesterday...I called again and was informed there had been a water leak when the water was turned back on. What was the name of that plumber???? Oh yeah, Russell plumbing. Not sure how Russell fixes leaks maybe they should call Joe Steele plumbing next time...Called again no answer then paged Bobby...Water will be turned on at midnight since that is how long their "Primo" glue takes to harden...Excuse me but I didn't know that distribution lines for plumbing even takes glue. 10 bucks says it is actually copper and they can't find the parts so they are blowing smoke up my you know what...God I just wish you could get a straight answer out of these jokers...It's sort of like who's on first. Please note park staff...if you are going to fib try and get everyone on the same page it sounds more believable.

Suzanne Livingston said...

Yes, this is frustrating. The worst part is that it isn't even an "emergency" - they knew about it ahead of time, yet neglected to inform the homeowners.

As if that isn't bad enough, first they said it would be back on at 4:00. Then 8:00. Then Midnight. It is now almost 1:00 a.m. Still no water. Still no shower (which I have been staying up for). At least if we had known ahead of time (or even at 4:00 or 8:00), we could have made other arrangements to shower or stay with family or friends (or fill the bathtub with water). Now who am I going to call at 1:00 a.m.?!?

Anonymous said...

I too was upset about the way the water shut off occured. When management realized that this was not going to be a quick fix why was not a notice send out to residents.This was very inconsiderate to all residents. One resident told me that they went door to door about the shut off. I was home until 4:00 yesterday and no one came to my door. When they realized that we would not be getting water service restored soon, why weren't water tanks bought in rather than leave residents this long without water?
This seems to be a pattern with management to not consider residents when making park repairs. Why are we always left in the dark?

Suzanne Livingston said...

For those who are curious, the water was restored at 1:10 a.m. on Tuesday, 9/25.