“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Monday, December 31, 2007

HOA Meeting Highlights: 12/11/07

Manager’s Update: Carlos reported that construction was previously delayed due to changes in the scope of work that became apparent once they began the project. New budget and plans are necessary. Work is now on hold until approximately March due to the upcoming rainy season.

He confirmed that he is accessible by pager 24 hours a day, with clear instruction on the outgoing message on the office phone line. During periods of an ongoing emergency, the office phone is forwarded to his cell phone.

Residents again suggested adding a lock to the north gate to the pool area, for both safety and security reasons. Residents asked about the unlocked Clubhouse doors, and why residents no longer have keys, but Carlos did not have an answer, so he will check with upper management. Carlos reported that he has purchased a lock for the kitchen cabinet, which he will install tomorrow. Keys will be given to the HOA.

Eminent Domain Initiatives: There will be two “eminent domain” initiatives on the June 08 ballot. One, the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act (CPOFPA) is sponsored by park owners and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers’ Association, and the other is called the Homeowner’ and Protection Act (HPA), and is sponsored by the League of California Cities, and is supported by the statewide mobile home owner advocacy groups. Both initiatives contain provisions that prohibit eminent domain seizure of property for non-public use. However, the CPOFPA is actually designed to outlaw rent control ordinances, stripping mobile home owners of their equity when they sell their coach to a buyer who must pay significantly higher space rent. The HPA maintains affordable housing, Santee’s rent control ordinance, and our equity in our homes. If both initiatives should pass, the one with the more “yes” votes will take effect.

Resident Owned Parks: ROP is a non-profit organization that helps mobile home owners purchase their parks, should the park owner wish to sell. Their informational materials were distributed, and a copy of their brochure and DVD, “Organizing Now to Purchase Your Mobilehome Park” are kept on file in the Secretary’s binder.

Old Business:
“Meet and Consult” Letter to Management – The letter approved at the last meeting was sent on October 12, 2007. George Gregory has requested a meeting with the HOA officers, which has been rescheduled to December 18. Residents with complaints were also urged to fill out a “Complaint/Concern Memo,” and give the top copy to management, keep the yellow copy, and give the pink copy to the HOA secretary for the file.

Clubhouse Bulletin Board – The “Sunshine News” bulletin board is back in the hands of the HOA. Susan Kite has decorated it, and it is now reserved for HOA business and announcements of general interest/assistance to residents. Outside advertising is being removed on a periodic basis.

Intercom Newsletter – The Newsletter was revisited, and it was decided that announcements will be published on an as-needed basis, to address noteworthy issues.

Meeting Schedule – It was agreed to stick with the bi-monthly meeting schedule for now. A combined breakfast/HOA meeting was proposed, to be held on a Saturday as a way to appeal to a larger audience. Scheduling of the breakfast meeting was tabled until the next meeting.

New Business:
Holiday Party/Gifts – Susan Kite reported that management has not allocated funds for gifts for the children who attend the party. Members present voted unanimously to not make a donation to management for this purpose.

Santee Santas – Terry Nelsen reported that it is time to make our annual donation to Santee Santas, for gifts for needy families, and deliveries to residents who are confined to their homes. Members present voted unanimously to send a $150.00 donation to Santee Santas.

Next Meeting (2/12/08):
Meet and Consult Letter to Management
Breakfast Meeting

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