“It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks have the right to peacefully assemble and freely communicate with one another and with others with respect to mobilehome living or for social or educational purposes.” California Civil Code § 798.50

Monday, September 3, 2007

Fantastic Feedback and Response from Residents!!!

First off,
I would like to apologize for not continuing to document the conditions in the park. As I am sure everyone is aware, it has been extremely hot around Santee and this has put a serious damper on my enthusiasm for daytime strolls through the park. I am planning on continuing where I have left off and also documenting previously covered areas as the need arises.

A great big thank you is in order to all of the people who have submitted their feedback to the HOA. We were quite surprised by the sheer volume of emails, letters and calls and have frankly had a hard time keeping up. I am currently getting the rest of these cataloged and documented thoroughly to present at the next HOA meeting. We are also still taking input from the park's residents for inclusion in the discussion.

Park residents are also encouraged to be on the lookout for prowlers in and around the park. I have found documented evidence of criminal activity stretching back to the 1970's including several burglaries and car thefts. Transients have also been seen frequenting the vicinity of the park. All residents are encouraged to look out for suspicious activity and report it to management or the Sheriffs department at (858) 565-5200 or if it is an emergency at 911.

We look forward to seeing all of you at the next HOA meeting. I also encourage anyone who is thinking of joining to join and get involved. We need more volunteers to help out. Please contact Suzanne in #9 for more information.

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